Avoid opt-in lists. There are a great many websites out there that will require you to check a ?Don?t send me offers? check box. Inevitably sooner or later you?ll forget to check one of those boxes, and you?ll be added to one of these opt-in lists.
Never buy anything advertised by spammers! Buying spam advertised goods and services only aids by encouraging spammers to keep spamming, in fact you may even be placed on a spammers past purchaser list that will be sold as such to other spammers. If you see something you like that was sent as spam, do yourself and everyone else a favor and take the time to find it elsewhere online.
Never use your primary e-mail address when purchasing goods or services online. See if your Internet service provider offers more than one e-mail address with your account, if so, take advantage of that secondary e-mail address and use it for all your online purchases.